The media is full of advertisements for auto insurance. Being able to get a quick quote has become very poplular. Before you decide to attempt your car insurance quoting endeavor, check out the five steps below to get the best quote:
1) First of all, take advantage of the ease and relative internet anonymity and get as many quotes as you can. This way, you can easily recognize if one company is far out of line with their premium quote. Obviously one highball quote should be discarded, but also, don't necessarily jump on a one very low quote either. You need to carefully scrutinize the policy they are offering you to make sure it is an "apples-to-apples" comparison with the higher priced policies. Yes, you are paying less, but are you getting less too?
2) Be as accurate as possible when filling out the forms to receive quotes. Don't lie about a minor fender bender you had two years ago- fess up! The insurance company is going to find out anyway during the underwriting process, and then the rate may change. At that point, you would have to start over, and get quotes again from all the companies, telling each about the prior accident to see how it affects each quote. To save time, be honest from the start.
3) The quote process usually requires that you submit contact information. This contact information may be used so that a salesperson can contact you after you receive the car insurance quote. It is important that you don?t let this salesperson talk you into purchasing a policy from them until you have received all of your quotes and done your research. Politely but firmly inform the salesperson that you are still in the process of making a decision.
4) After you have submitted all of your information to at least five companies and received your car insurance quotes your research really begins. Take a look at your list and narrow it down to the best two possibilities. Think about what aspects of your insurance plan are most important to you. Using that as a guideline research and compare your two finalists to see how they stack up.
5) Finally, you are in charge of your insurance. Don't let the insurance companies try to pull a bait and switch tactic on you. Make sure that you are getting the services you agreed on at the price you were quoted. They may try to mix things up a little to see if you are paying attention.
Remember that as the customer, you are the one in control of your car insurance purchase. If after following the steps, you are not happy with the rate or service you receive, then there are many other car insurance companies out there that will be happy to have your business. Just follow the five steps outlined above to get the best possible policy and price. - 29971
1) First of all, take advantage of the ease and relative internet anonymity and get as many quotes as you can. This way, you can easily recognize if one company is far out of line with their premium quote. Obviously one highball quote should be discarded, but also, don't necessarily jump on a one very low quote either. You need to carefully scrutinize the policy they are offering you to make sure it is an "apples-to-apples" comparison with the higher priced policies. Yes, you are paying less, but are you getting less too?
2) Be as accurate as possible when filling out the forms to receive quotes. Don't lie about a minor fender bender you had two years ago- fess up! The insurance company is going to find out anyway during the underwriting process, and then the rate may change. At that point, you would have to start over, and get quotes again from all the companies, telling each about the prior accident to see how it affects each quote. To save time, be honest from the start.
3) The quote process usually requires that you submit contact information. This contact information may be used so that a salesperson can contact you after you receive the car insurance quote. It is important that you don?t let this salesperson talk you into purchasing a policy from them until you have received all of your quotes and done your research. Politely but firmly inform the salesperson that you are still in the process of making a decision.
4) After you have submitted all of your information to at least five companies and received your car insurance quotes your research really begins. Take a look at your list and narrow it down to the best two possibilities. Think about what aspects of your insurance plan are most important to you. Using that as a guideline research and compare your two finalists to see how they stack up.
5) Finally, you are in charge of your insurance. Don't let the insurance companies try to pull a bait and switch tactic on you. Make sure that you are getting the services you agreed on at the price you were quoted. They may try to mix things up a little to see if you are paying attention.
Remember that as the customer, you are the one in control of your car insurance purchase. If after following the steps, you are not happy with the rate or service you receive, then there are many other car insurance companies out there that will be happy to have your business. Just follow the five steps outlined above to get the best possible policy and price. - 29971
About the Author:
Graham McKenzie is the syndication coordinator for a leading South African Insurance comparison portal.