If you want to save money on your car insurance, keep in mind that there is not one company out there that will always give out the very best quotes. Although there are many commercials from insurers saying that they are the best, this is not the case.
You have likely seen Progressive's Flo and Geico's famous Gecko. Yes, both Flo and the Gecko are very admirable. Despite this, you should know that they were created to make you want to shop with only the advertising insurer.
Auto insurance quotes can vary by hundreds (sometimes over a thousand) of dollars. The price you get depends on who you ask. The more you ask, the better.
If you go to your local state insurance site (you can find it by first going to NAIC or searching for your state name plus the word, insurance, in Google) you may find (some sites do not have this) a survey, which gives rates for hypothetical drivers from your local auto insurers. The reason your government went out and got sample rates was not to find the insurance provider with the best quotes, but to encourage you to shop around for auto insurance.
Although there are online comparison sites for auto insurance, they may not be the magic bullets that you think they are. Because their goal is to make money, you may not find the lowest insurance provider because that company does not pay that site commission. Furthermore, the prices you get from some companies may be lower because you have not talked to them directly and asked about eligible discounts.
If you find it difficult getting a reasonable car insurance quote (maybe your credit score needs improving or you have a less than stellar driving record) you may want to speak to a local independent agency as they are connected to many car insurance companies and can link you with the best one for your particular situation.
You can find an independent agent by looking through a local business directory or the Yellowpages. Generally, if the name of the insurance agency is one, which you do not recognize, it is independent. If the name is something like State Farm-Marry Ann you are dealing with someone who can only give you insurance from that one company. - 29971
You have likely seen Progressive's Flo and Geico's famous Gecko. Yes, both Flo and the Gecko are very admirable. Despite this, you should know that they were created to make you want to shop with only the advertising insurer.
Auto insurance quotes can vary by hundreds (sometimes over a thousand) of dollars. The price you get depends on who you ask. The more you ask, the better.
If you go to your local state insurance site (you can find it by first going to NAIC or searching for your state name plus the word, insurance, in Google) you may find (some sites do not have this) a survey, which gives rates for hypothetical drivers from your local auto insurers. The reason your government went out and got sample rates was not to find the insurance provider with the best quotes, but to encourage you to shop around for auto insurance.
Although there are online comparison sites for auto insurance, they may not be the magic bullets that you think they are. Because their goal is to make money, you may not find the lowest insurance provider because that company does not pay that site commission. Furthermore, the prices you get from some companies may be lower because you have not talked to them directly and asked about eligible discounts.
If you find it difficult getting a reasonable car insurance quote (maybe your credit score needs improving or you have a less than stellar driving record) you may want to speak to a local independent agency as they are connected to many car insurance companies and can link you with the best one for your particular situation.
You can find an independent agent by looking through a local business directory or the Yellowpages. Generally, if the name of the insurance agency is one, which you do not recognize, it is independent. If the name is something like State Farm-Marry Ann you are dealing with someone who can only give you insurance from that one company. - 29971
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For a more inside look check out Auto Insurance Discounters and Cheap Auto Insurance.